Wednesday, April 7, 2010


What is a blog?

Blogs are websites that people createdto discuss many different topics ranging from what’s on peoples minds, to what is going on in the world.

It is maintained by on single person or a group. The latest post is viewed first.


Blogs used in an organization make communication, ideas, suggestions very easy. it is fast paced and is very helpful to spread information. It can work as a source of suggestions in and outside the company.

It can help the organization by getting real suggestions by consumers. It is cheap to set up. Group discussions are very good for blogs, as people do not need to meet. They can communicate anywhere they can connect to the internet.


- some disadvantages include :

1. Discussion about a specific topic can go off subject

2. the messages posted can be very offensive

3. private information should not be posted.

4.people may not understand what is meant by a post.

Over the years blogs have proven to benefit organizations, while at the same time may hurt others. In the end, blogs are cheap effective and are a great way to get feedback and connect better with employees, customers, and society.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Disadvantages of wearable computers for organizations

With many advantages, comes disadvanteges. Some of these might be technical, economical, and social. We all know that technology is not always ideal. Technology needs to be maintained, and altered from time to time. These wearable computers may to bulky, or their battery life may not be sufficient. Some social issues may involve privacy and security. Wearable computers work on wireless networks, so an increase in security and anti hacking software is needed.

Wearable computers are costly in the beginning but save money overtime.


Some wearable’s are not wireless. In the army this is not effective since soldiers need to be able to move easily and quick. Wires are not very durable, so it will not be good for military environment.


Advantage of wearable computers

The advantages of wearable computers are almost endless. Almost all proffesions can benefit from them. They allow immediate access to all sorts of information. They are effective and efficient in aiding people on the go, and providing real time information with the situation at hand. They have been proven to improve the safety of firefighters and police officers. Currently, wearable computers are being tested in aircraft maintenance, automobile production, health care and emergency response.

Most organizations aim for productivity, efficiency and lower operating costs. Wearable computers allow organizations to achieve this. They are easy to use and do not wast time inputing information manually into a computer.This allows employees to be more efficient, which in turn leads to more success for the organization.

Wearable computers will help the US army by allowing it to guid them through remote areas, and update information in live time. It can improve chances of survival in the time of war.Sources:

wearables are taking over!!

Is it just me, or is there an extreme increase in the use of wearable computers?
Wearable computers are taking over!! WATCH OUT DESKTOPS AND LAPTOPS!!.
The most noticeable thing that is happening, is that wearables are replacing conventional laptops and desktops. they do this by not restricting the user to be behind a dest on in front of a laptop.This allows users to access information and the applications of the wearable, anytime, anywhere.
Wearables are also replacing many gadgets most consumers have. They can replace music devices, phones, and even t.v's.

What is a wearable computer?

A wearable computer is a personal computer that is, in some way is being worn. Much like glasses, a tie, or even a watch, the wearables are designed to be discrete and should be able to fit in like a tie with your wardrobe. A wearable computer should act as an extension to a users body or mind. these computers are designed to interact with the user based on the context of the situation at hand. Wearables have many functions like a normal computer depending on its design. They can be designed as clothing, to monitor your heart rate or even used as augmented memory, such as when you enter a room, the wearable would be able to sense who is in the room and your past history with them. Wearable computers are revolutionizing the way people interact with their computer, and broadens peoples access to information. They allow people to be more efficient.